The Pafera Full-Stack Web Framework

The simple, efficient, old fashioned web framework for people who know what they're doing


Do you want a framework that you can control straight from the browser?
Be able to create new pages with a couple of clicks?
Create a new translated page just by selecting a language code?
Use actual SQL instead of abstract query builders for all database operations?
Get good performance even from an $80 Android phone?
Have built-in TOTP and passkey options?
Integrated per user file upload management?
System provided store and Stripe integration?
And all in 400KiB?

Example Videos

Installation on a Five Year Old Android Phone

Testing Out Performance of the Blog App

Design Philosophy

Modern computers are faster than computers of the past, often by incredible margins. So why does it often seem like it takes more time to get things done?

For someone who learned to program on the old IBM PS/2 running DOS 6.1 more than twenty years ago, the answer is simple.

  1. Contemporary software does many more things than older software... but mostly in the visual area while the actual work is a fraction of the execution time.
  2. Companies are choosing to exchange speed of development versus code efficiency.
  3. Programmers are choosing to use large, bloated frameworks instead of using only the simplest, fastest ways of reaching design goals.
  4. The advent of cloud services and on-demand computing has allowed lazy corporations to throw money at hardware rather than optimizing on the software side.

Of course, this is not true for all companies, especially those who have realized that spending vast amounts of money on hosting and services is cutting into their bottom lines. Across the web, we consistently hear stories about companies switching their software platforms and saving 20 to 40% in hosting costs, optimizing databases to reduce query times by factors of ten or above, and increasing response times by redesigning portions of their applications in asynchronous code using Node.js, Rust, Go, or other such modern languages.

The Pafera Web Framework is designed to be simple, efficient, and cheap, but only if you already know the underlying technologies. We do not shy away from SQL, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript at the basic levels, but embrace them in order to create something that is high level enough to be quick in development time, but low level enough to be fast and customizable for any situation.


The best way to get started with the Pafera Framework is to download it and start using it.

If you're running a system based on Ubuntu, Arch Linux, or Termux on Android, installation is as simple as typing

chmod +x

If you're running on other systems, you'll have to adjust the commands slightly. For Windows, I recommend using Anaconda or simply installing Ubuntu via WSL2. Homebrew should work well on Mac systems.


For a brief tutorial of developing an app using the framework, you can visit the main code repository at Codeberg for the Python version

The PHP version hasn't been touched in a while, but shares the same design philosophy as the Python version abit with differences in language support and auto loading. The code repository is available here, while documentation is available here

Future Plans

I'm working on a Rust version of the framework, which should give dramatic speed improvements versus the current Python version at the expense of portability and ease of use. Rust's async support is still not quite mature as of yet, but looks quite promising for the future.

Any bug fixes or suggestions are always welcome. Please submit them to my Codeberg repository above.