The Pafera Learning Management System

The Pafera Learning Management System is a sleek, modern app running on top of the Pafera Web Framework designed to maximize student interaction while letting teachers manage their classrooms with minimal work.

As of right now, the system includes

  1. School, teacher, and student account registration and management
  2. Curriculum creation and management with images, sounds, and videos
  3. Real-time classroom with programming, typing, and drawing modes
  4. Manual or automatically create homework assignments, classwork, and challenges
  5. Automatically calculated grading and student rankings

Example Videos

Overview of the Pafera Learning Management System

Adding a School

Adding a Class

Linking Phones Together to Form a Classroom

Letting Students Register Themselves

Manually Adding a Student Yourself

Different Classroom Modes

Adding a Curriculum With Images

Adding Challenges for Students to Practice


The Pafera Learning System is installed by default with the Pafera Web Framework, so please see that page for installation instructions.